A work in progress!

Author appreciation

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This is a copy of the post I made on Tumblr the other day. I guess it was a sign that a resumption of blogging was in my future! Clearly my mind and spirit was getting in the mood even before NetGalley gave me the push to get my act together.


It occurs to me that as much as it makes me crazy to wait a year for the next book in all of my favorite series, it’s probably really good that there are some things in this world that can’t be massed produced. We’re so lucky in the developed countries that we have so many forms of instant gratification. We don’t even have to watch repeats of TV shows over the summer anymore, there are always new shows to watch throughout the year now. There are so many ways of finding new music, artists, podcasts, whatever you’re into, it’s out there. But each of those artists only has one voice and so much time available, making whatever they’re able to produce precious. And I, for one, am really grateful for every word that my favorite writers produce. I don’t have a creative bone in my body and I really treasure the hours I spend lost in their worlds. The fact is that most of them don’t do it for the money. There sure isn’t much money there, even for those who manage to eke out a living at it. They do it because they love to do it, even can’t imagine a life without doing it. But that doesn’t make it an easy life for most of them. So I just want to say how much I appreciate you, my dear authors. And that I am eagerly awaiting that next book!


My new little sweetheart of a mutt

My new little sweetheart of a mutt

Such a goober

Such a goober

Always in my heart

Always in my heart

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