A work in progress!

New Author Challenge

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I've decided to participate in the New Author Challenge at Literary Escapism. I tend to get so wrapped up in the series that I love so much that I may be missing out on a lot of great books and authors that are new to me. I'm challenging myself by going for 50 new authors in 2010. I'm not going to include new authors I've read only in anthologies; those are just teasers to me, intended to get me to read the author's novels. Plus it's too confusing for me to keep track of on Goodreads, since I'm not planning to start posting reviews on this site. I'm looking forward to seeing how I do! Check my shelf for this challenge on Goodreads to see how I'm doing.


My new little sweetheart of a mutt

My new little sweetheart of a mutt

Such a goober

Such a goober

Always in my heart

Always in my heart

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