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Review: Black Howl by Christina Henry

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Black Howl (Madeline Black, #3)Black Howl by Christina Henry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm going to try not to go on and on about this one. It's just not as good as it should be, again. It has a lot of the right elements, but it's still not coming together. Maddy is still a big know-it-all for an extremely inexperienced woman. For men who are thousands of years old to look to her as a strategic leader, and a battle leader, is just silly. And she's bullheaded and stupidly impulsive. Plus she almost dies and get healed by one fallen angel or another over and over again, it could be a drinking game. And I'm supposed to believe that she's suddenly so powerful at one point that if Lucifer himself chose to fight her he would lose? Not the Lucifer that's been written in this series, it doesn't make sense. And the Jude background story was completely unnecessary, it was overly complicated and again, silly. And there was a too much going on in this one, it's frantic. But I did actually like the twist in the end that a lot of people will probably hate, the series needs to be shaken up; when you start off from book one with a storyline that's too predictable it puts a series in a rut. Sorry, that was my attempt to keep this short! Anyway, it's just a series that I want to like much more than I do.

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Danmark June 28, 2012 at 12:42 AM  

What a spectacular read! The intensity of the storyline was so fierce, it kept me glued to every page. This fast paced story moved quickly from one tragedy to the next. Contrary to the tragedy, the story also had lots of humor and fun.

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