A work in progress!

Walking Blind

Monday, July 18, 2016

Javier Colon

Walking Blind

There would be no lines
No way to divide
The world would be drawn differently

It'd hard to have enemies
So clear how much we'd need
To treat each other decently

To be know for one's character
Not by race or by size
To be free from the judgements
That we all use sometimes

We could see the truth without our eyes
Beautiful would be something in our minds
We could love the way want to love
We would be kind
If we were all walking blind
     If we were all walking blind

How could we have wars
Who would we ignore
If we were all living equally

Could we put our differences aside
Swallow our last bit of pride
Help one another willingly

To be known for the words we speak
And not for what we buy
To be free from the burden of how we look on the outside

We could see the truth without our eyes
Beautiful would be something in our minds
We could love the way we want to love
We would be kind
If we were all walking blind

One day we wouldn't live in fear
Oooh, it could turn into years

We could see the truth without our eyes
Beautiful would be something in our minds
We could love the way we want to love
Don't think about it
If we were all walking blind
    If we were all walking blind


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My new little sweetheart of a mutt

My new little sweetheart of a mutt

Such a goober

Such a goober

Always in my heart

Always in my heart

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